8 Best Workouts for Stress Relief That You Must Try

8 Best Workouts for Stress Relief That You Must Try

Everyone has their own ways of relaxing and stress relief. Some people like to take baths, others like to write in a journal, others like to spend time with family and friends, and still others like to meditate or do breathwork. And these are just some of the other ways you can lower cortisol.  But let’s not forget that working out is another popular choice that is good for your mind and body. Yes, working … Read More

morning walk

8 Potential Benefits of Starting Your Day with a Morning Walk

When you get up in the morning, your first priority may not be activity. A morning walk, whether in your neighbourhood or as part of your commute to work or school, may provide your body with a variety of health benefits. Walking is always at the top of the list of physical exercises for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people find running and hard exercise difficult, and others even lack enthusiasm. A stroll is a … Read More

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