Motherhood is a beautiful journey. Now you have given birth to your baby, and you are clueless about what you are supposed to do now. We will help you with all your postpartum questions and will give you the hacks no one told you about.
What is Postpartum?
Postpartum is the time after you deliver your baby. Simply put, postpartum is the time your body heals from the painful labors you had to experience. For every woman, postpartum is a varied time period. As a mother, you have the responsibility of keeping a watch on your child. But did you not just go through one of the most painful experiences? Well, during postpartum, you have to give proper rest to your body and help in the healing process. We bring to you ten life hacks that will surely beat postpartum.
1. Being careful about your C-section scar
C-section scars generally take about six weeks to heal. If you have the C-section procedure, it becomes utterly important to take care of yourself along with the baby. The strict routine for C-section scar will be provided by your medical help. You should keep your wound clean all the time. A wash using plain water can serve the purpose of providing hygienic conditions.
You can also use mild soaps and water to clean the wound area. But do not forget to not scrub it. Avoid lifting heavy loads while short walks can improve blood circulation, which will heal your wound faster. Warm tub baths can be helpful, but do not let the water level rise to your incision.
2. Exercises are your friend
We are not talking about heavy lifting exercises. A walk and a few light exercises can be extremely beneficial to you. It keeps your body active, energizes you, and can help you in getting sound sleep. Exercises are also effective in dealing with problems like postpartum stress, anxiety, and depression.
Postpartum exercises also result in strengthening your abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles. There are a lot of exercises you are advised to avoid. You can hire a professional trainer to guide you with the right type of exercises for your postpartum.
3. Sleeping tight is sleeping right
New parents, especially if we are mentioning new mothers here, it is not very surprising to hear that they are sleep deprived. Getting the right amount of sleep is tough with a baby. You can get sleep when your baby is sleeping; that way, you can get rest for your body. If you are tired because you have not fully healed from your labor and you also have a baby to take care of, you can skip doing the dishes and cleaning.
Ask for help from your partner and family, share your duties, and you can always take the leverage of paternal leaves to get an ample amount of rest. Following sleep hygiene too can be very effective in getting proper sleep during postpartum time.
4. Regulating your energy levels
Postpartum is a phase where you are expected to feel tired very frequently. You must keep your body fueled up. Taking a healthy diet can be very effective. Add a lot of vegetables and pulses to your diet. Drink a lot of fluids. Consume food items that are rich in proteins like yogurt, milk, meat, etc. You can also take prenatal vitamins to keep your body healthy. It is advisable to avoid junk food for a while.
5. Nursing your tears
Tears are injuries in your vaginal or rectal areas. It is very common to have a tear if the baby was delivered using a vaginal delivery. Most of the tears caused during the delivery are normal, minor, and heal on their own. Taking proper rest, consuming a healthy diet, and taking plenty of fluids are a few things to heal from tears quickly. You can also use ice to give relief from pain (do not directly put ice, wrap the ice cubes in a soft cloth.)The tears heal naturally. If there is excessive pain or you suffer from a high fever, it can be related to infection, and you are advised to seek professional help.
6. Giving priority to your mental health
Women are prone to fall prey to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress. According to a study, 1 in 5 women is likely to face issues regarding mental health. We are not exaggerating about the effects of sleep, but sleep can also impact your mental health. Eating a balanced diet and being involved in regular physical exercise (light exercises) will also lighten up your mood. Listening to music is another activity that can help you if you feel low postpartum.
Talking to your friends, family, and relatives can also make you feel amazing if you are feeling dejected in your postpartum tenure. Never miss a chance to get in some fresh air if you feel lonely or isolated. Fresh air and sunshine can also lift up your moods. Moreover, if you feel your mental health is deteriorating, you are recommended to meet a licensed therapist to guide you in your postpartum journey.
7. Getting enough rest
Taking care of a baby is a tiring job, so it becomes important for a mother to get rest to feel rejuvenated. If you are a new mother or in the early weeks of your postpartum, it is not unusual to experience fatigue and tiredness. Looking after a child is an exhausting task, and not to forget, your body is healing from a painful experience.
To get enough rest, you can ask for an acquaintance or domestic help to share other duties, so you can get rest. We are not exaggerating how sleep can be beneficial, but if you sleep well, you are well rested as well.
8. Keeping track of your bowel movement
After you deliver a baby, it is very common to experience constipation. The period for which constipation lasts is different for every woman. Most women experience postpartum constipation only in the early few days. While in some women, it may last till three to six weeks.
For easy bowel movement, you should include a lot of fluids in your diet and drink enough water daily ( eight to ten glasses of water each day). Consume food with high fiber content. Add a lot of vegetables and fruits to your diet that will improve your postpartum constipation. Do not try to put strain as it will affect your scar or tears from delivery.
9. Tackling breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding is never easy. While you are breastfeeding your newborn, there may be problems like latching pain and sore nipples. Clogged ducts inside your breasts are a real problem. For this, you can gently massage your breasts and do not take long gaps between alternate feeding times as it causes the collection of milk in the breast.
For itchy and dry breasts, you can prefer a few creams or lotions after consulting your doctor. Wear comfortable bras and let your breasts breathe every time you feed your child. Ice packs can also help provide solutions to discomfort in your breasts.
10. Preparing yourself for your future sexual experiences
After pregnancy, there is a drop in female hormones like estrogen, which results in a variety of postpartum symptoms. One of the troubles you will face after your delivery is vaginal dryness. It is considered normal. Doctors advise not to be involved in any sexual activities for up to two to four weeks after delivery as it may pose a threat of infections and disturbing the stitches, if any.
During breastfeeding as well, it is very usual to experience vaginal dryness. You don’t have to rush, communicate with your partner, and engage in postpartum sex whenever you feel ready, according to your comfort. Postpartum sex can be painful initially. You can try some home remedies like a hot water bath to reduce pain, or you can opt for pain relievers for a better experience. Lubricators are a savior for having intimate intercourse.
Wrapping It Up
Postpartum can be really tiring at times, but when you see your baby, you know it is all worth it. A healthy meal, exercise, and support from your loved ones will make it easier for you. All you have to do is take care of yourself. The journey can be overwhelming, too, if you are a new mom. Kudos to all the mothers!