Vajrasana: Grab 10 Amazing Benefits From This Pose!

Vajrasana is the combination of two Sanskrit words: ‘vajra’ and ‘asana.’ Vajra means thunderbolt in Hindu mythology and relates to Lord Indra’s mythological weapon. It is a sign of power and invincibility.

In yoga, asana refers to posture. Vajrasana is one of the most basic asanas and is ideal for beginners. It strengthens the body and relaxes the mind.

What is Vajrasana?


Vajrasana, also known as thunderbolt or diamond position, is one of the most basic yoga poses. It strengthens the body to the strength of a diamond. This is the finest asana for treating gastrointestinal problems. It is the only asana in yoga that may be done immediately after a meal.

This asana is suitable for people of all ages. As a result, it offers several health advantages, including strengthening your digestive organs and improving your general health. Furthermore, it lengthens your spine, which improves your posture.

Vajrasana is also referred to as:

  • Adamantine Pose
  • Pelvic pose
  • Thunderbolt pose
  • Diamond pose
  • Kneeling pose

Steps to Perform Vajrasana Pose

It is easy, yet it is critical to do it properly. To master the diamond position, follow these instructions.

  1. Kneel on the level floor or on a yoga mat.
  2. Fold the knees and ankles back and align the feet with the legs. By contacting the big toes, the bottoms of the feet should face upward.
  3. Exhale as you sit back on your legs. The buttocks should rest on the heels and the thighs on the calves.
  4. Maintain a straight spine, neck, and head. Close your eyes and begin to take deep breaths.
  5. Adjust your thighs and pelvis back and forth till you are comfortable.
  6. Maintain a straight posture and a forward look. Maintain a parallel chin to the floor.
  7. Maintain a straight line with your elbows by placing your right palm on your right knee and your left hand on your left knee.
  8. Breathe in and out at a normal rate.
  9. Inhale deeply for four counts, then gently exhale for eight.
  10. To exit Vajrasana, carefully rise the glutes and thighs of your lower legs until you are kneeling again. Then gently stand up.

Duration of Vajrasana


If you are a novice, begin with 3-4 minutes of Vajrasana. As you develop, you may extend the time to 5-7 minutes.

After lunch or supper, you may practice diamond posture. This position may also be done on an empty stomach. Depending on your strength and comfort, you may extend the asana to 15-20 minutes.

10 Health Benefits of Vajrasana

It provides a plethora of health advantages. As a result, practising this asana on a daily basis may considerably enhance both your physical and emotional health.

To maximise the advantages of this wonderful yoga position, breathe slowly and rhythmically while doing the asana.

1. Improves Blood Circulation


Vajrasana improves blood circulation. It enhances blood flow in the pelvic area in particular. Breathing concurrently modulates blood circulation throughout the body.

2. Improves Posture

It requires a sturdy and straight back.

This improves your posture and allows you to reap the advantages of this asana more effectively.

3. Improves Digestion

Vajrasana benefits our digestive system in a variety of ways. It reduces blood flow to our legs and thighs while increasing blood flow to our stomach, aiding bowel motions and reducing constipation.

Vajrasana also aids in the elimination of flatulence (gas) and acidity. As a result, it guarantees that your body absorbs nutrients more effectively. It is beneficial after meals since it aids digestion.

4. Provides Relief from Lower Back Pain


It helps to strengthen your lower back muscles, relieving occasional soreness and discomfort.

It also aids in the relief of sciatica pain. Vajrasana practice on a regular basis might help you strengthen your lower back.

5. Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

It improves pelvic blood circulation and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. It is very beneficial for ladies who suffer from stress urinary incontinence.

6. Helps to Calm the Mind

Practice on a regular basis decreases tension and increases focus. It also aids in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Breathing techniques conducted during Vajrasana aid in maintaining a peaceful and steady mind.

7. Improves Sleep

It alleviates anxiety and tension. It aids in the relaxation of your mind and increases the quality of your sleep.

8. Helps in Weight Loss


It increases blood flow to the stomach and aids digestion. Higher digestion implies better nutrition absorption and less belly fat.

9. Strengthens Sexual Organs

It stimulates blood circulation and feeds the reproductive organs. It strengthens both men’s and women’s sexual organs. It has a good influence on reproductive health in addition to boosting sexual performance.

10. Helps Ease Menstrual Cramps

It increases blood flow to the pelvic area. As a result, it aids in the relief of menstrual cramps. It also aids in the process of labour by strengthening the pelvic muscles.

Precautions for Performing Vajrasana

  • If you have knee discomfort due to an underlying medical condition or have just had knee surgery, do not practice Vajrasana.
  • Pregnant women may practice Vajrasana, but they should leave greater space between their knees to prevent placing pressure on the belly.
  • People with hernias and bowel disorders should only practice Vajrasana under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher.
  • Individuals who have back difficulties, such as a slipped disc, should avoid doing this asana.
  • People who have foot, ankle, or knee pain should avoid doing Vajrasana.
  • Vajrasana should not be performed by those who have severe arthritis.

A More Intense Version of Vajrasana

The ‘Supta Vajrasana,’ also known as the reclining thunderbolt pose, is a more intensive variant of the fundamental Vajrasana. Follow these procedures to execute this version.

  • Sit in Vajrasana first, then gently recline backwards without jerking.
  • Place one forearm and elbow on the ground, then the other. Keep your back arched and your head on the floor.
  • If you can’t get your full head to contact the floor, gently lay simply the crown of your head on it.
  • Remember to only practice this variation under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher at first.
  • This advanced variant of this position improves breathing, boosts blood flow to the brain, and stimulates the adrenal glands.

Wrapping It Up

Vajrasana is one of the most basic but effective yoga asanas. It is one of the most efficient contemplative positions for improving focus. During meditation and ‘Dhyaan,’ yogis sit in this stance for hours. The position is used in a variety of prayer practices. This alone attests to the mental peace and quiet it brings.

The wonderful part about Vajrasana is that, unlike other yoga postures, it may be done just after eating. It is most effective when performed on a full stomach since it aids with digestion. This asana is the foundation for several other asanas, including Gomukhasana, Ustrasana, and Shirshasana.

This asana is appropriate for all types of persons. Take caution, though, if you have knee problems or a leg injury. Before attempting Vajrasana, consult with your Yoga instructor. It is an excellent asana to start your yoga practice with. Simply sitting in Vajrasana for a few minutes may provide incredible health advantages. So take your yoga mat and sit in Vajrasana to get all of the health advantages of this yoga asana.

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