Many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms every month. These signs and symptoms include a heightened propensity for sleep and a desire to eat certain foods. Several shifts often accompany this recurring monthly event. The onset of your period may be signaled by subtle physical changes, even if you don’t keep track of your cycles. Putting on weight during your period is one of these signs.
Pain in the breasts, mood fluctuations, and cramps are just some of the premenstrual symptoms that women often experience. However, rapid weight gain is the most unwelcome among the many unpleasant symptoms of PMS. More than 90% of menstruating women report experiencing PMS symptoms.
Up to a three-kilogram Weight Gain During Periods is typical. If you’re feeling bloated or your jeans won’t zip up, you don’t need to worry about it. Aunt Flo’s PMS symptoms are typical. Many of the pounds you put on during your period are water weight. Thus, it would help if you did not fret about it. Commonly, regaining this weight takes no more than a week. Although weight fluctuations are common, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may exacerbate the situation by causing symptoms like bloating and water retention.
Here, we’ll explore the causes and solutions for period weight gain.
Is it natural to gain weight during your period?
Premenstrual syndrome and menstruation cause typical changes in appetite and satiety. There is no need to panic; many ladies go through this, which is normal.
When your period finally arrives, how much weight do you usually gain?
Most of the weight increase that occurs during your period is water weight. Thus, a woman might gain up to 2 kg on average throughout her period. Three or four days before she is due to bleed, she may start gaining weight.
Does it just disappear by itself?
Since most weight is water, it will decrease once you stop having periods. After your period ends, your body typically sheds most of the water weight for the next several days.
Why does it occur in the first place?
There are a variety of factors that might lead to weight gain during your period. The cause and the extent of a woman’s weight Gain During Periods are contingent on a wide range of variables. Many factors contribute to this, including
1. Fluctuations in hormone levels
Among women, estrogen and progesterone are the two primary sex hormones. You’ll notice a steady decline in hormone levels leading up to your menstruation. Indirect fluid retention occurs as a result of estrogen fluctuation.
However, elevated progesterone levels affect aldosterone, causing the kidneys to hold on to more salt and water. Swelling of the face, breasts, belly, and limbs may result from this condition and the weight gain that often accompanies it.
When the menstrual cycle ends, the body’s hormone levels return to normal, allowing the lymph nodes to release the trapped fluid.
2. Bloating
Hormonal shifts may produce water retention in the abdomen region and gas accumulation, both of which can create the impression of weight increase. But excess fat has nothing to do with it. The swelling is not limited to the stomach but may manifest elsewhere in the body.
This often starts a few days before your period is due to begin and continues during the first few days of bleeding. After that, it gradually decreases and disappears by the time your period is through.
3. Digestive disorders
Constipation, diarrhea, stomach pains, and gas retention are just a few gastrointestinal problems that hormone swings may bring on. Intestinal motility decreases with increasing estrogen levels, which some experts have linked to the onset of constipation.
However, the prevailing theory is that these gastrointestinal issues are caused by slowing the digestive system when progesterone levels rise. An increase in progesterone causes an increase in prostaglandins, the chemicals that cause uterine contractions. Similar spasms in the gut may occur when it’s diluted in the blood, which might cause abdominal pain.
More stored bowels and cramps contribute to a sensation of fullness, and gas retention compounds this effect.
4. Weird hunger pangs
You may have an increased desire for certain foods during your menstrual cycle. To what end, however, does your hunger increase? Progesterone is a hormone that promotes hunger and rises in your system around a week before you are due to bleed. Your hunger levels will naturally rise.
In addition, estrogen controls serotonin levels, so when they decrease just before bleeding, so do serotonin levels. The neurotransmitter serotonin controls mood and hunger. Low serotonin levels exacerbate sugar cravings since serotonin production is stimulated by eating sugary meals.
As a result, giving in to these urges leads to binge eating unhealthy, sugary meals. Because your metabolism has sped up, you may want high-calorie foods at this period.
5. Putting off exercise regimens
Exercise might be particularly unpleasant before menstruation because of the weariness and pain your body experiences when estrogen and progesterone levels rise. Additionally, consuming high-calorie meals while avoiding exercise might lead to weight gain.
6. Low magnesium levels in the body
Magnesium is a crucial element that controls how much water your body retains. Dehydration, caused by low magnesium levels, is disguised as hunger, particularly a desire for sweets.
7. Mood Swings
People around you may wonder whether you’re experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) whenever you’re irritable. Mood swings are another frequent PMS symptom, alongside food cravings. In addition, hormonal play contributes to cravings for sweet and salty foods, contributing to Weight Gain During Periods.
8. Binge Eating
The increased desire for food and subsequent overeating is another major cause of weight change. Weak serotonin levels are the primary cause of cravings for sweets and processed meals. Before you have your period, your body’s estrogen levels drop, negatively impacting serotonin production.
More sugar in your diet leads to what? Put on some weight
Period Weight Gain: What to Do?
The discomfort of bloating and Weight Gain During Periods may be avoided without resorting to any special measures. Modifications to a healthy lifestyle are needed to eliminate this benign occurrence. To avoid putting on extra pounds, try doing the following:
Be sure you’re getting enough water to prevent your body from retaining water by drinking plenty. Furthermore, dehydration brought on by a decline in magnesium levels may be treated with water intake rather than sugary snacks.
Regular exercise, even if it’s just a simple program like walking, may help you maintain a healthy weight and lessen the accumulation of fluid in your body, so it’s worth the effort even if you have trouble mustering the motivation to get up and moving when your period comes around. Exercise, stretching, and general physical exercise may do wonders for your health! However much low-impact exercise may be the last thing on your mind on a given day, it may be the most effective strategy for dealing with weight swings. You’ll get a fast burst of endorphins, which will help stabilize your mood, and the sweating will aid in the rapid loss of excess water weight.
Eat more nutritious foods instead – It’s not easy to resist temptation, but a strong will helps tremendously. Cravings worsen while you’re hungry. Eat all day healthily long, but in small amounts to prevent overeating or to binge.
Avoid salty foods and coffee if you want to avoid gaining water weight and feeling puffy. Around the time of your menstruation, you should avoid these foods.
Stay away from the Salt and Sugar!
A high-sodium diet may lead to water retention, while meals high in sugar can worsen gas symptoms. If you find yourself with a need for salt and sugar, be prepared with healthier options. In this manner, when you desire, you may go for some fruit or a granola bar instead of sugary snacks.
Magnesium supplements may help with dehydration, water retention, bloating, and sugar cravings, but you should check with your doctor before starting any new treatment.
Most women experience some degree of Weight Gain During Periods due to hormonal abnormalities. If you follow the advice above, you can prevent this from happening. However, remember that this is not a reason for despair. Do something positive with this time, like challenging yourself to keep up with a healthy lifestyle that will ultimately leave you feeling good about yourself.
How Much Weight Gain During Periods Is Normal?
Hormonal shifts induce the physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which typically manifest in women two weeks to a few days before their period.
The average woman will gain between three and five pounds during her period. The good news is that the weight increase is temporary since you will shed the additional pounds when the bleeding stops.
Those with PCOS and other metabolic or health concerns may find it more difficult to lose weight and may experience weight gain that persists over time. In such a scenario, you should see a gynecologist right away.
Wrapping It Up
Water retention, bloating, cravings, and edema may all contribute to Weight Gain During Periods. However, this weight gain may be managed with a healthy diet, regular exercise, enough water, and perhaps even magnesium supplements. A change that raises concerns should prompt a visit to the doctor.