Breathing Exercises

8 Most Effective Breathing Exercises To Prevent COVID-19

We are in the midst of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and people are doing everything they can to protect themselves from the lethal sickness. The respiratory system is the primary target of the COVID-19 virus. As a result, performing breathing exercises while recovering from COVID-19 might be useful. Breathing exercises can assist to strengthen the respiratory system and combat and mitigate the effects of coronavirus before, during, and after its attacks. Apart … Read More

Pranayama: 7 Amazing Benefits You Can Grab!

Pranayama is the discipline of controlling one’s breath. It’s a key component of yoga, a kind of exercise that promotes both physical and emotional well-being. “Prana” signifies life energy in Sanskrit, while “Yama” implies control. It is the practice of breathing exercises and patterns. You deliberately inhale, expel, and hold your breath in a particular order. It is utilised in yoga with other techniques such as physical postures (asanas) and meditation (dhyana). These practises, when … Read More

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