Meditation is becoming more popular as a result of its numerous advantages.
Meditation isn’t one-size-fits-all; there are many variants and ways to choose from. To get started, you don’t have to read every book on the subject or sign up for retreats all over the world. Simply sit back, relax, and take a deep breath where you are.
Meditation may be practised at any time, from anywhere, and for any amount of time. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, it’s critical to remain adaptable in your approach. Developing a practice that works for you is essential, and you will most likely change and adjust your practice to meet your changing requirements.
Continue reading to learn about four distinct meditation positions, how to maintain proper these meditation positions, and much more.
Chair-Sitting Meditation Position
You can easily meditate while sitting on a chair, this is an excellent technique for lunchtime refreshment at work. You may meditate while at work or on the road.
Sit in your chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor to get into the proper meditative position. With your knees, they should make a 90-degree angle. You may need to move to the chair’s edge.
Sit up straight and align your head and neck with your spine. For extra support, tuck a cushion behind your lower back or behind your hips.
If you don’t know what to do with your hands, lay them on your knees or on your lap.
Standing Meditation Position
If you’re more at ease standing, try standing meditation. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart to achieve this. Adjust your feet so that your heels are a little inward and your toes are somewhat outward.
Bend your knees slightly once you’re in place. With each exhalation, allow your body to root down through your feet. With each inhale, imagine your energy rising to the summit of your head.
Place your hands on your abdomen to feel your breath move through your body for further relaxation.
Kneeling Meditation Position
Give it a shot if you’re in a position where you can comfortably kneel down. This stance has the advantage of making it easy to maintain your back straight.
Rest on the floor with your knees bent. Your shins should be flat on the floor, and your ankles should be just below your bottom. For further support and reduced pressure on your knees, lay a cushion between your bottom and heels. When you’re in this meditation position, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort. If this is the case, try another meditation stance that allows you to be pain-free and peaceful.
Make sure your weight is rooted back and down through your hips. This prevents you from placing too much strain on your knees.
Lying-Down Meditation Position
If you lie down, you may find it easier to relax and release stress. In this manner, your entire body is supported.
Lie on your back with your arms stretched beside your body to do this. Your feet should be hip-width apart, with your toes turned out to the side.
If this is too difficult, adjust the stance to support your lower back. While resting down, place a cushion beneath your knees to slightly raise them. You may also position your feet flat on the ground by bending your knees.
Relationship Between Meditation and Posture
Posture is vital for meditation, although it may be approached in a variety of ways. Begin your practice in a position that feels natural to you. It’s critical to begin in a comfortable position so that you may gradually adjust your body into the proper position throughout your practice.
Maintaining a certain meditation position may help you create a good purpose or resolution for your practice. When you return to the meditation position, remind yourself of why you’re practising – to be present, to feel calm, or to anything else you may require.
Seven-Point Meditation Positions
A seven-point meditation position is a method of meditating while sitting. There are seven rules you may follow to help you arrange your body appropriately. Of course, you are free to change anything that does not work for you. Approach the exercise, in the same manner, you would like your meditation position. Your physique is busy, yet it has a softness to it.
1. Sitting
You can sit in a quarter, half, or full lotus position, depending on how flexible your hips are. You can also sit cross-legged on a meditation cushion, towel, pillow, or chair, with your hips lifted higher than your heels. In most meditation positions, you can gain support with a cushion or a meditation bench. It’s critical to choose a comfortable stance so you can concentrate on your meditation.
2. Spine
Your spine should be as straight as possible no matter how you sit. If you have a tendency to lean forward or sway slightly backward, now is the moment to gently remind yourself to restore your meditation position.
With each breath, continue to root down into your body. With each inhalation, raise your body and stretch your spine. Feel the energy line that runs from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Maintaining a straight spine can assist you in being awake.
3. Hands
You can place your hands on your thighs, palms facing down. Keeping your hands down is considered to be more grounded and to aid in the relaxation of your body’s energy flow.
Alternatively, you might stack your hands on your lap with your palms facing up. Place your right hand on top of your left hand, with your thumbs lightly touching. This hand posture is said to produce more heat and energy.
4. Shoulders
Maintain a calm and comfortable meditation position as you bring your shoulders back and down. This aids in keeping your heart open and your back strong.
Check in with your meditation position from time to time during your practice. Maintain a straight spine by drawing the tops of your shoulders down and away from your ears. Take note of the height of your shoulders and whether one seems higher than the other so that you may adjust as required.
5. Chin
Maintain length in the back of your neck by keeping your chin slightly tucked in. Maintaining your meditation position is easier if you position your chin correctly. Maintain a calm expression. You may discover that turning the corners of your mouth up slightly helps to relieve facial strain.
6. Jaw
Make an effort to relax any stiffness in your jaw. Keep your jaw slightly open while pressing your tongue towards the roof of your mouth. This relaxes the jaw, allows for unobstructed breathing, and delays the swallowing process.
You may also expand your mouth and reduce stress by doing a few exaggerated yawns before you meditate.
7. Gaze
Most individuals find it simpler to meditate with their eyes closed. Squeezing your eyes shut is not a good idea. Softly shutting them will assist you in maintaining a calm face, eyes, and eyelids. You can also meditate with your eyes open. Maintain an unfocused look a few feet ahead of you on the floor. Maintain a calm expression and avoid squinting.
Decide which way you’ll meditate before you start, so you don’t alternate between open and closed eyes. This might be unsettling and break your practising rhythm.
Things You Must Keep in Mind
If you perform the following, you may discover that your meditation practice is more beneficial:
- Begin with shorter practices and work your way up as you gain confidence.
- Concentrate on your breath as it flows in and out of your body.
- Maintain a calm, steady, and smooth breathing pattern.
- All thoughts, feelings, and sensations should be observed as they come and pass.
- Keep in mind that they might be favourable, negative, or neutral.
- When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the present moment without judgement.
- Be aware of your inner silence and stillness.
- Bring your attention to the noises around you one at a time.
- Feel the air or clothing on your skin, as well as your body on the floor.
It is critical that you are loving and patient with yourself at all times. There is no incorrect method to meditate, and it is totally up to you what you want to receive out of practice.
Wrapping It Up
Decide whether or not you want to commit to meditation positions. Begin with a manageable time, such as 10 minutes every day, and select the ideal time of day for you. Meditation is generally suggested in the early morning and late evening since it may help set the tone for your day or help you wind down before bed.
It’s ideal if you can meditate every day, but it’s also OK if you can’t. Your approach to practice should be adjusted to your specific requirements. It could be useful to keep a brief notebook to capture any insights that come to you during your practice. Throughout the day, be mindful and bring your awareness back to the present moment.
You might want to seek the advice of a yoga instructor to assist you in deepening your practice. There are also a plethora of guided meditations available on the internet.